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Who is currently supported

Ruanda 04 2022

Ruanda 04 2022

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We currently support a total of 12 girls and young women:


From Nairobi, Kenya we were able to finance three girls a full scholarship for their selected Highschool. CARREN, LETICIA and STEPHANIE have made their way to a very good secondary school for targeting their Matura within a 3 year education, by having achieved an well above average degree at their former primary schools. Since their families unfortunately cannot afford the school fees, we have taken the fees on their behalf.

CARREN's school is the nationally known boarding school for girls  Precious Blood Riruta  is a publicly funded school founded in 1964 by the Precious Blood Catholic Sisterhood. You can find the following documentation on Youtube:  

Here are a few picture impressions of the "school enrollment" and the admission procedure. CARREN in a green school uniform and LETICIA with a red checked skirt.

Thanks a lot to Ronnie who made it possible!

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Carrens Videogrüße nach nur einem Jahr Deutschunterricht

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Insgesamt unterstützen wir derzeit 19 Mädchen und junge Frauen

Ruanda: von den 8 Mädchen in Highschool Stufe S4 findet ihr nebenstehend einen kleinen Videoclip. 4 Mädchen lernen auf der Ecole des Science Byimana, die anderen 4 auf dem Lycée de Notre Dame des Citeaux, zwei der besten Schulen in Ruanda. Die 8 Mädchen werden in 2 Jahren Abitur machen.
  • In Embu County, Kenya, we support CAROLINE (22 years old) through our partner Kids Kenia eV ( She is a third year student of information technology at Embu College. She is an orphan and is very ambitious to achieve the study goals. MANDRINE (19) is training as a tailor and fabric designer at the Polytechnic School. In addition, 3 girls are supported with their high school fees for boarding school, which they (or their families) cannot afford. IMMACULATE (16) is certified by her supervisors to have academic potential.

  • In Namibia, the Steps for Children foundation accompanied 2 girls from the Otjozondjupa region from pre-school to high school. Now is the time to take another step and start studying in Windhoek in order to be best equipped for the job market. CLENDA (20) would like to become a teacher for secondary schools, JOHANNA (19) will study economics. Our contribution will be enough to finance the first year of study for one of the two girls. Of course, we assume that we will be able to successfully continue our commitment next year. Click here for the current report: Friendship

  • In Tanzania, our partner organization Born-to-Learn takes on the care of 3 young women from the Moshi region (ZAINA, GRACE and ALBINA) who have qualified for further college studies through their school leaving certificates. You have chosen to study pharmacy at the Kigamboni City College of Health and Applied Sciences. The college is renowned and Born-to-Learn is already known for its good learning opportunities. None of the three young women and their families could finance their studies on their own.

Note: even if the average income of the people in these countries is only a fraction of the European level, the costs for a full scholarship, which not only covers the tuition fees, are comparatively very high. The costs for accommodation, food, travel expenses, internet café and much more, especially in the capitals Windhoek and Conakry, can easily add up to several hundred euros per month . We want the girls / young women to be successful and therefore choose an approach that addresses every area of life and has support ready.

  • In Tansania übernimmt unsere Partnerorganisation Born-to-Learn die Betreuung von 3 jungen Frauen aus der Region Moshi (ZAINA, GRACE und ALBINA), die sich über ihre Schulabschlüsse für ein weiterführendes College-Studium qualifiziert haben. Sie haben sich für ein Pharmazie-Studium im Kigamboni City College of Health and Applied Sciences entschieden. Das College ist renommiert und Born-to-Learn bereits für seine guten Lernmöglichkeiten bekannt. Alleine könnte keine der drei jungen Frauen und ihre Familien das Studium finanzieren.

Anmerkung: auch wenn das Durchschnittseinkommen der Menschen in diesen Ländern nur ein Bruchteil des europäischen Niveaus beträgt, sind die Kosten für ein Voll-Stipendium, das nicht nur die Studiengebühren abdeckt, vergleichsweise sehr hoch. Die Kosten für Unterbringung, Essen, Fahrtkosten, Internetcafe u.v.m. gerade in den Hauptstädten Nairobi, Kigali, Dar-Es-Salaam summieren sich leicht in einen Bereich von mehreren Hundert Euro. Wir möchten, dass die Mädchen/ jungen Frauen erfolgreich sind und wählen daher einen Ansatz, der jeden Lebensbereich adressiert und Hilfestellungen bereit hält.

We believe that every woman will accept herself
define their future and change the world.

Beautiful Landscape
Unsere Mission

We need your support!

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