Our partner organizations
- Kids Kenia eV https://www.kids-kenia.de/
The non-profit association KIDS KENIA was founded in Lübeck in the summer of 2006 after some of the founding members returned from a three-month stay in Kenya.
The individual fates experienced there had left a lasting impression, as well as the will to help - for this reason the aid project for street children was launched -
Local aid for children in the Embu Kenya district - KIDS Kenia eV

Born to Learn
Born to Learn (BTL) is an association founded in Spain and registered in Tanzania in 2011 with the aim of developing and empowering vulnerable communities in Tanzania.
Born to Learn was born in a moment of understanding that a new and intimate attitude must be applied for interaction between people across cultures and regions.
We are an organization based on the implementation of programs for community development regarding education, nutrition, entrepreneurship, health care, housing, agriculture and environment.
Director and Founder: Samantha Peñalver
Unsere Sponsoren:
Reed Smith LLP

Unsere Partner in Ostafrika:
We believe that every woman will accept herself
define their future and change the world.